Mon, 1 December 2014
There is something utterly fascinating about the combination of Hawaiian music and the music of Christmas. The holiday conjures up thoughts of cold and frost and images of snow-covered coniferous trees, but while the missionaries imported a few Norfolk pines to Hawai`i, they did not bring along the frozen precipitation from Boston. So when Hawaiians sing of a “White Christmas,” if they truly desire to have one, they had better hop a jet for the mainland. Webley Edwards once joked, “Let our folks sing ‘Aloha `Oe’ or ‘Havah Nagilah’ or ‘Jingle Bells’ and it comes out Hawaiian.” And he may have a point. As I wrote here earlier, how to achieve the Hawaiian “sound” or “feel” may not be entirely teachable. You may need to be born with it (or into it). So when we listen to holiday music from Hawai`i, it takes on a decidedly tropical feel – as if it could melt all of the snow from our frozen hearts. And some of us desire this. Others of us just long to be closer to the islands at a time of the year that conjures up thoughts of friends and family, and if our family is 5,000 miles away in Kane`ohe or Hilo or Lihue or Makawao, this music keeps them a little closer to our hearts. I thought it would be interesting to look at a history of Christmas music from Hawai`i by rummaging through the archives at Ho`olohe Hou and ranking (using my own criteria, mahalo) the 25 Greatest Christmas Albums from Hawai`i and featuring one per day from December 1st through Christmas morning – a sort of Advent calendar of Hawaiian music. And I hope you will come along for the sleigh ride! By examining more than 50 years of holiday music from Hawai`i, we also have an interesting opportunity to hear the evolution of Hawaiian music – five decades in only 25 days. And along the way I will throw out a few “bonus” tracks – holiday songs of note but which may have appeared on an album not wholly worthy of inclusion on the list of the 25 Greatest Christmas Albums from Hawai`i (or which may have appeared on an album that is not holiday-themed at all). Come celebrate the holidays with me at Ho`olohe Hou! From my house to yours, here’s wishing your family the best and brightest of seasons and peace, love, and joy throughout the year… Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau`oli Makahiki Hou! Bill Wynne
-- posted at: 8:03am EST
Fri, 28 November 2014
For the last few weeks I have been teasing my readers with repeated mentions of the guest artists who appeared frequently on the short-lived TV version of Hawaii Calls but who never appeared on the radio version of the same program. At last the taunting ends as I spend the next 24 hours presenting clips by those artists who – you will no doubt agree – were some of the finest entertainers Hawai`i ever gifted to the world. And you will also understand why show creator/host Webley Edwards chose these artists as his TV emissaries for Hawai`i – because many of them were already beloved household names from coast to coast from their work in other entertainment realms, and because they were some of the most dynamic personalities of their generation in an any performance field. When I began attempting to restore some of these Hawaii Calls TV segments to share at Ho`olohe Hou, I was quick to mention that these clips have seen the ravages of time. You may have difficulty believing – as I did – that they were filmed in color as they have since faded nearly to black-and-white. Hence today’s theme, Black (and White) Friday. These video clips will play on your PC, Mac, iPad, tablet, iPhone, or Android phone. So my hope is that you will take a break from the hustle-and-bustle of your Black Friday shopping extravaganzas, watch one of these videos (all fewer than 4 minutes in length), take a deep breath, smile, and maybe even laugh out loud in the middle of your favorite retail store. This is Ho`olohe Hou therapy. The Hawaii Calls TV show aired only 26 episodes during the 1965-66 season. So most of these clips have not seen the light of day in nearly 50 years, nor have most of these artists been seen in motion for some time since all have long since passed from this life. I hope that these videos recall a fond memory of happier times and places for Hawaiians, Hawaiians-at-heart, and anyone who has ever loved Hawaiian music. Happy holidays from Ho`olohe Hou! Me ke aloha pumehana, Bill Wynne
-- posted at: 12:01am EST
Sat, 1 November 2014
I had any number of goals in mind for this space when October began. But the overarching goal was to make reader/listeners more engaged. And at this I think that – together – we succeeded in spades. How did I go about it? By providing an unprecedented amount of content for Ho`olohe Hou – perhaps for any blog or podcast ever. (I have no way of proving my last assertion, but it makes me feel terrific nonetheless!) Here is the month by the numbers… Number of articles: 66 Word count: 79,163 Page count: 241 pages Hours of music presented: 10 hours 45 minutes Hosting space utilized: 714.19 MB (I had to double my hosting plan) Hosting plan cost: $40 Hours spent writing: 150 hours Hours spent editing/remastering music: 16 hours Number of new segments/themes introduced: 4 (“OOPs,” “12 Records That Changed My Life,” “Precious Meetings,” and “`Ohana”) Number of contests: 2 Number of contest winners: 0 Number of new page “LIKES”: 116 (from 449 on 9/30 to 565 on 10/31) Total article reads/listens: 1,837 (a one-month record) Highest one-day read/listen total: 229 reads/listens (a one-day record) I could slice and dice these numbers in any number of ways, but I like to think of it like this: At 79,163 words and 241 pages, in only one month I wrote a small book about Hawaiian music. If this were a podcast, you would likely get a new one-hour program each week – a maximum of five hours of music. I more than doubled that! Either way you look at it, you responded enthusiastically with more reads/listens than ever. Mahalo nui loa! Some things I did not do in October… Eat Shower Sleep Read a book or magazine Watch TV Take out the garbage or recycling Put away my clean laundry Fix the leaky roof Rake the leaves Unclog either of two clogged sinks Take a turn against any of my 31 opponents in Words With Friends Renew the registration for my car (resulting in more than $300 in tickets) In the business world, this is what would otherwise be known as “opportunity cost.” But how did I end up here? Two reasons. First, due to an extended illness (which continues to linger undiagnosed), I did not do much of anything in the month of September. That includes blogging. The theme and continuity of Ho`olohe Hou is largely predicated on the anniversaries of historic events and dealing with them in chronological order, but blogging only occasionally through September meant there were events in September about which I didn’t write and which I felt couldn’t wait another year. So although you may not have known, I was writing September’s and October’s articles at the same time. And I posted them in chronological order. (If you read Ho`olohe Hou through the Facebook feed, you could not have known this because Facebook dates articles as they appear. But the main blog – at – allows me to cheat the publication date of each article – so they remain chronologically intact.) Second, some of these topics proved to be “rabbit holes” that I was chasing down seemingly endlessly. I wake up one morning and think I could write five or six articles about this. But then once I start to do the research and hear the music, I realize that there is more there “there” than I originally realized – stories left untold, mysteries to unravel. In fact, I covered only four topics in depth through October, and here is how those topics break down by the numbers: Alvin Kaleolani Isaacs – 14 articles – 126 minutes of music Lexington Hotel “Hawaiian Room” – 16 articles – 175 minutes of music Lena Machado – 15 articles – 131 minutes of music Genoa Keawe – 17 articles – 189 minutes of music (There were four articles on miscellaneous topics and an additional 28 minutes of music.) And because of a compulsive desire to tell the whole story, let’s just agree to say that I went a little crazy. But it also takes a considerable amount of time to sort out “facts” from “lore” – to find a second and third piece of corroborating data, to say meaningful things, to spell all the names right, to get the dates and the players right, to put every `okina and kahako where they belong, and all in order not to become the Wikipedia of Hawaiian music. And I suppose that is a little compulsive in its own way, but I have read so many unreliable sources on Hawaiian music that even I don’t know where to turn anymore sometimes, and I don’t want to become simply another unreliable source. Was it worth it? More than I can say in another 79,163 words. So I will simply say hiki nō (Hawaiian for “of course”). Those of you who do not miss a single post at Ho`olohe Hou may recall a month ago my asking for your help in achieving 500 “LIKES” on our Facebook page. We only needed 50 “LIKES” to achieve that goal, and I really thought that was a stretch. But we more than doubled that number and increased our reader/listenership by more than 25%. The monthly total of 1,837 reads/listens isn’t merely a record. It is a record by leaps and bounds – blowing the previous monthly total of 1,231 reads/listens out of the water. And the one-day record of 229 reads/listens beats the previous record of 164 reads/listens by a mile-and-a-half. (And I know I have Aunty Genoa to thank for this. Mahalo, aunty!) But I have to get back to some of those other items on my list now. So Ho`olohe Hou may slow down a little bit through the remainder of 2014. I have a number of topics I want to cover, but I have a plan for covering them in a less rabbit hole-like manner. More about that tomorrow… If you have clicked “PLAY” on the audio track that accompanies this post, you are listening to a preview of a topic I will be covering throughout the month of November. And you may be wondering to yourself… What do these songs have to do with Hawai`i or Hawaiian music? And that, after all, is why Ho`olohe Hou exists: To preserve the forgotten songs and voices of Hawai`i. If you want to know more, stay tuned for our next exciting episode… This is Ho`olohe Hou. Welcome to my world! ~ Bill Wynne
Thu, 16 October 2014
You already know I am crazy about Hawaiian music. But how crazy am I? Already in the middle of tributes to Alvin Kaleolani Isaacs and Charles K.L. Davis, what would be crazier than launching a week-long tribute to Lena Machado at the same time? I call it a “moral imperative” because Machado is without a doubt one of the most prolific and influential composers in the history of Hawaiian music. But through a comedy of bad timing, Ho`olohe Hou has never honored her. (I tend to honor Hawaiian music artists on or around their birthdays, and Ho`olohe Hou – for a variety of reasons – has never been fully operational in the month of October in its nearly eight-year history.) When examining Auntie Lena – as with Alvin Kaleolani Isaacs, Irmgard Aluli, John Kamealoha Almeida, and a scant few others – we have to examine two aspects of her musical career – the performer and the composer. The composer has been well chronicled by Lena’s hānai daughter Pi`olani Motta in the book Hawai`i’s Songbird (an essential read for any fan of Hawaiian music or Lena Machado). But except for one compilation CD which only covers two brief periods in her lengthy recording career, there is no other material chronicling Lena Machado the performer and recording artist. That is a wrong Ho`olohe Hou aims to correct this week during which we will offer up rare recordings from all but the earliest part of Lena’s performing and recording career. Join us here starting today, October 16, and all week long – sometimes twice a day – as Ho`olohe Hou pays tribute to a seminal figure in the evolution of Hawaiian music. This is Ho`olohe Hou. Keep listening…
-- posted at: 3:35am EST
Sat, 4 October 2014
For the past few days – in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Lexington Hotel’s Hawaiian Room (the New York City venue which for nearly 30 years delivered authentic Hawaiian song and dance to exceedingly appreciative mainland audiences) as well as the October premier of the documentary film simply entitled The Hawaiian Room – Ho`olohe Hou has been featuring the musicians that put the Hawaiian Room on the map (and vice-versa). Although we have progressed from the venue’s opening in 1937 through Lani McIntire’s passing in 1951, we must now do a little investigative research to move forward with the accurate recounting of the Hawaiian Room’s story. At issue is not which musicians came next in the famed room. We know all the names! What we do not know is the order in which they appeared in the room. While not a single one of the musicians who worked the room (which closed in 1966) remains with us, fortunately the documentary film features a number of “Ex-Lexes,” the affectionate moniker for the hula dancers who graced the room during the latter part of its history. (One, in particular, is the daughter of a Hawaiian Room steel guitarist of the 1960s. Rummaging through the vast Ho`olohe Hou archives, I unearthed an album by Hawaiian Room musicians from this period which featured this same hula dancer’s face and hula movements. Despite the passing of years, I would have recognized her anywhere…) I befriended many of these ladies and look forward to speaking to them to solve still more mysteries and put more myths and misconceptions to rest. So stay tuned to Ho`olohe Hou for more Hawaiian Room legend and lore in the coming days and weeks. Until then, we will return to our originally scheduled ambitious October schedule of celebrations of Hawaiian music and musicians. What’s on tap? Let’s just say we have a lot of catching up to do… This is Ho`olohe Hou. Keep listening… ~ Bill Wynne
-- posted at: 11:56am EST
Thu, 2 October 2014
They say that one writes for themselves. They also philosophize about whether or not a tree falling in the woods makes a sound if there is nobody around to hear it. Either way, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the blog I call Ho`olohe Hou for many years now, but I have most enjoyed it since creating a Facebook page where you – the reader – can respond to what you read and hear. The Facebook page currently has nearly 450 faithful readers – based on page “LIKES” – and has received more page reads/listens since January 2013 (when I relaunched Ho`olohe Hou as a blog) than in the previous five years combined. August saw a record-setting 1,231 reads/listens. The goal now – despite that I continue to write for myself and talk about the people and the music that move me and why – is to spread the news about Ho`olohe Hou. And with Facebook, that is as easy as a click to share a post. You have seen the ambitious roster of artists and topics that I have lined up for October. What a tremendous opportunity to share this music with Hawaiian music-loving friends or with those who have not yet experienced the joys of Hawai`i, its special people, and its unique musical heritage. During the month of October, I am going to try to provide an unprecedented amount of content – as many as 50 new posts (in honor of Hawai`i being the 50th state). If every fan of Ho`olohe Hou shares just one post, and if each post garners just one new page “LIKE,” the blog can more than double its readership in only one month. To encourage you to share the music that moves you – or even the music that doesn’t – I am sweetening the deal. I will be counting the post shares for the month of October, and the reader who shares the most posts will receive two free Hawaiian music CDs (up to a $30 value plus shipping) from the inventory of Me Ke Aloha, my “go to” web retailer for all new Hawaiian music releases. You’ll simply go shopping, select any two single CDs, tell me what you choose, and I will order it for you and have it shipped directly to you. It’s that simple. You get to go shopping with me. Don’t know what to pick up? The first page of inventory at Me Ke Aloha is an embarrassment of riches. I highly recommend two new releases by my friends Keikilani Lindsey and Kapono Na`ili`ili (both of whom will be featured on Ho`olohe Hou soon, once I can catch them standing still long enough to chat with them about their music). But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. You have to win first. And in order to win, you have to play. So keep reading and start sharing! Mahalo nui for your support and encouragement and for taking this opportunity to broaden Ho`olohe Hou’s reach and increase our happy family! ~ Bill Wynne
-- posted at: 7:17am EST
Sun, 14 September 2014
To the few but faithful reader/listeners… Due to a variety of obstacles (technological, career, and health being chief among these), Ho’olohe Hou unexpectedly but necessarily took a brief late summer vacation. But over the next few days, I will be catching up the many overdue posts on topics and musicians I had been thinking about even if I had not been sharing my thoughts with you. I will also direct you to a number of now classic Ho’olohe Hou posts about some musicians of note. Call them “reruns,” if you will. But these posts date to a time when Ho’olohe Hou had fewer followers. Hopefully there is some music and historical information of interest to you among these posts which you may have missed the first time around. Mahalo for your patience with the blogger. Bill Wynne
-- posted at: 8:09am EST
Wed, 10 September 2014
I keep a calendar of the birthdays of my Hawaiian music heroes. Unusual, I know. But it gives me something to celebrate every day of the year! Statistically speaking, there are lots of days of the year when two or more Hawaiian music legends share a birthday. But despite that I don’t know the birthday of every falsetto singer throughout history, of those I know about, there is one – and only one – day of the year on which two of my falsetto heroes were born. And like the picture of Mark Yamanaka and myself, these falsetto singers were born more than 4,000 miles apart. And as the islands in the Hawaiian archipelago – even if we consider all 2,000 of them – only span a distance of 1,500 miles, this means that one of these falsetto singers wasn’t born in Hawai`i. I am looking forward to sharing both of these fabulous falsettos with you later today. This is Ho`olohe Hou. Keep listening…
-- posted at: 6:15am EST
Sun, 7 September 2014
September 8th marks the anniversary of the birth of Helen Desha Beamer whose influence on Hawaiian music and hula are still keenly felt nearly a century-and-a-half later. Join me for a week-long tribute to this grande dame of Hawaiian culture... This is Ho`olohe Hou. Keep listening...
-- posted at: 5:55am EST
Mon, 25 August 2014
If you haven’t already done so, don’t forget to like Ho`olohe Hou on Facebook. When you do, you might also check the box to “Get Notifications.” If you do, Facebook will never let you miss a new post, AND you will never miss out on contests like the one that begins later today. Check us out on Facebook today!
-- posted at: 12:17am EST
Sat, 5 January 2013
If a tree falls in the woods and there‘s no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound? So many greats of Hawaiian music have passed unceremoniously from this life into the next. Sometimes all we remember are their names because their music has been of so little importance - at least commercially, since record companies are businesses, after all - their voices and the magical sound of their hands upon the instruments they mastered has been lost forever - gone with the demise of the vinyl record, never to see the light of day on a CD or an MP3. To say that Hawaiian music has been a huge part of my life would be an understatement. Hawaiian music has been my life. Hawaiian music filled my home before I was born. My father is still a much called upon steel guitarist. My mother danced hula and played the bass. I was born into a home steeped in Hawaiian music. With instruments lying about the house, I learned to play ‘ukulele, slack key guitar, steel guitar, and bass. I learned to sing falsetto songs in the Hawaiian language by listening to the numerous Hawaiian music recordings stacked in dusty corners in the basement and the attic. And I researched the stories behind the songs in order to better understand them. The conundrum is that - try as I might - I cannot find anyone in my lineage who was of Hawaiian descent. Over the last 40 years, I have amassed more instruments and more Hawaiian music recordings - many rare and out of print. I began making an annual mecca (and sometimes more often than that) to Hawai’i to learn more about this unique music and culture and to meet my heroes of Hawaiian music. The most beautiful thing about pursuing my interest in Hawaiian music has been the amazing friends I made. The more lovers of Hawaiian music I chatted with, the more I understood that there was no small number of treasures from my Hawaiian music collection that few in Hawai’i had ever heard. The advent of the internet made it possible to share these recordings with my friends in Hawai’i. And so six years ago - on a Twelfth Night in 2007 - I decided to launch a blog and a podcast which I dubbed - with the assistance of Hawaiian language expert Keith Haugen - Ho’olohe Hou, which means “to hear again.” The goal was to entertain and educate at the same time - a sort of NPR version of a Hawaiian music radio program. The show quickly gained a following - particularly among musicians in Hawai’i. But the program was immediately fraught with difficulties. On the personal front, producing a two-hour radio program each week actually took me in excess of 20 hours. I had no idea what I was doing, and the bulk of that time was spent on my learning curve and on remastering from archaic recording formats to make the music presentable for the 21st century. And then a number of friends and fans suggested that what I was doing was not entirely legal because of the complex web of copyright law - a web that has yet to be untangled. Fearing repercussions, I gave up the ghost after only nine episodes. Then, a brief reprise for Ho’olohe Hou in August 2007 in the form of Las Vegas-based internet radio station 50th State Radio. Through that medium, my show could be broadcast legally and all royalties and mechanical licensing fees paid to musicians and composers. I was relieved, but that relief was short-lived. After producing and airing only an additional two dozen episodes, I learned that the station’s owner passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. And amidst the sadness, 50th State Radio and Ho’olohe Hou passed with him. Finally, one more go at it. At the urging of ethnomusicologist Dr. Amy Ku’uleialoha Stillman, in August 2009 I started the blog again but not the podcast while podcasting royalties were still in a state of uncertainty. I quickly realized that writing a blog about music without being able to hear the music was like doing an interpretive dance about a fine dining experience. So, why now? What’s changed? The thousands of recordings in my vast and ever-growing Hawaiian music collection are like so many trees in a dying forest. Here they sit, collecting dust in a mausoleum of Hawaiian music which is situated - most ironically - in New Jersey. They do not make a sound. Unless I spin one of them, alone - in which case they make a very lonely sound. Facebook was in its infancy when I last maintained Ho’olohe Hou. Although I was not a fan from the start, Facebook has become an invaluable tool for keeping in touch with my friends in Hawai’i on a daily basis and - much to my surprise - for making new friends who love Hawaiian music as deeply as I do. Whenever I post clips of forgotten Hawaiian songs and artists to my Facebook page, the “LIKES” are innumerable. I have also spent a considerable amount of time researching the concept of “fair use” of copyrighted materials for educational purposes. Fair use guidelines are not really “guidelines” at all. Any use of copyrighted material is subject to scrutiny by the copyright holder. However, there are a number of tests of what constitutes “fair use.” Most of these almost anyone can comprehend and abide by. The quantity of material shared publicly by an artist or composer in the name of “fair use” should be a bare minimum. The less shared, the more likely it would be deemed “fair use.” The material shared should not compete with material available commercially. This means that in order to be considered “fair use,” the material should not be available for purchase elsewhere - potentially jeopardizing the livelihood of the arists. The material should not be able to be retained by the listeners, such as through a download. This would surely violate the previous tenet of supposed “fair use” material competing commercially. And the material used as a “fair use” example for educational purposes should ultimately educate through critique or criticism of the music or artist - which had been the goal of Ho’olohe Hou from the beginning. So, this is a new beginning, and this is my charter for Ho’olohe Hou: This blog and related Facebook page will continue to be dedicated to the preservation and sharing of rare Hawaiian music. Examples of music by artists and composers will be shared in the smallest possible quantities with an emphasis on music no longer commercially available so that no artists’ livelihoods are jeopardized through these efforts. However, occasionally more recent music samples may be necessary to illustrate the continuum - or juxtaposition - of the past and present of Hawaiian music. For this reason all music samples will be shared using a proprietary player which does not promote the downloading and offsite saving of this music so that these efforts do not compete with music which may still be commercially available. All music samples will be posted for the sole purpose of illustrating the various aspects of Hawaiian music and its evolution and will be accompanied by appropriate critique or commentary to provide each music sample with the appropriate historical context. And any parties claiming to be the artist or owner of the copyright of these materials may request to have samples of their work removed from this blog, and all such requests will be honored - no challenges, no questions asked. Most importantly, I hope this will be the longest post on this blog for the here ever after. I do hope that the intersection of the blog (hosted by Liberated Syndication, or Libsyn) and Facebook will serve as a springboard for stimulating discussion of our mutual interest: Hawaiian music. In the coming days, in addition to music posts, I will begin to jot down my ramblings about the themes I hope to explore here. If there are themes or artists you would like to hear more about or from, drop me a line at Here’s hoping this grand experiment is a success once and for all. Mahalo for the continuing privilege and honor of contributing to the colorful and varied history of Hawaiian music and the entertainment industry in Hawai’i. As I used to say to begin each week’s program… It’s time for more music and memories of Hawai’i. This is Ho’olohe Hou. Are you listening? Me ka ha’aha’a, (Humbly yours), Bill Wynne Hawaiian Music Enthusiast
-- posted at: 11:37pm EST
Sun, 6 January 2008
The entire month of January, Ho`olohe Hou celebrates Hawaiian music in the 1950s! Sunday, January 13th - We revisit the amazing steel guitarists of the 1950s including rarities from Barney Isaacs, Jules Ah See, David Keli`i, Billy Hew Len, Pua Almeida, Jerry Byrd, Danny Stewart, Lovey Lui Conn, Benny Rogers, and Joe Custino. Sunday, January 20th - We reexamine the influence of 50's mainland jazz on Hawaiian music with such combos as the Richard Kauhi Quartet, the Kalima Brothers, Johnny Spencer and the Kona Coasters, and The Invitations. We celebrate the birthday of popular 50's vocalist Iwalani Kamahele. And we dedicate an entire hour to steel guitar wizard Billy Hew Len on the occasion of his birthday. Sunday, January 27th - We look at the year that capped off the decade: 1959. Some of the most amazing recordings in the history of Hawaiian music were recorded and released in this single fantastic year including gems from Sterling Mossman, Chick Floyd, The Surfers, Ed Kenney, Pua Almeida, Alfred Apaka, Eddie Kamae, and The Invitations. Don't miss a minute of our celebration of the fabulous fifties all month long on Ho`olohe Hou. Only at 50th State Radio.
-- posted at: 12:29pm EST
Sat, 4 August 2007
Ho`olohe Hou, the program featuring classic Hawaiian music from my vast archive of rare and out-of-print Hawaiian music, has found a new home - 50th State Radio! The expanded 2-hour format will air every Sunday at 9:30am Pacific Time beginning August 19th. BUT don't wait to tune into 50th State Radio! The fun has already started over there with Uncle "It's Aloha Friday" Paul Natto and Haole Jack and a gang of others. 50th State Radio is streaming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and like good old-fashioned radio, it's free. Just click on the 50th State Radio logo to start enjoying. Many thanks to my new `ohana at 50th State Radio for perpetuating Hawaiian music, culture, and memories and for recognizing the humble contribution of Ho`olohe Hou to that effort. To the listeners, thank you for your patience, understanding, and support while Ho`olohe Hou struggled to find its legs - and its wings! There is good fun, good memories, and good music waiting for you all on August 19th... Me ka ha`aha`a, Bill Wynne
-- posted at: 9:14am EST